It’s been awhile since I have written any blog post. Yet it’s been busy and not so, but recently all I have been doing is lots of real estate photography and nothing else. Now real estate photography is something that I enjoy doing because not only I get to see lots of homes and neighborhoods but also because every home is so different it gives me good practice when I do have big jobs such as architectural photography or interior design photography. With all that said there is something I don’t like in real estate photography, it’s not really anything to do with agents or homes in particular but it has more to do with weather. I have photographed real estate in all conditions such as snow, clear sky, fog, rain and so on but one particular type of weather is the one I really don’t like. It’s not that I can’t handle it but it has more to do with post processing. Take a look at few images below and then I will explain.
We call it ghosting, it’s something that moves but also can be still. Since few weeks ago we had great gust of wind up to 40 miles an hour it’s been difficult to do real estate photography. As I have mentioned it’s not that I can’t handle it but it takes lots of time in post production to make sure there is no ghosting. Which in reality I am not getting paid for to sit for hours and correct few images. Don’t get me wrong I’m not lazy but when I have 2-4 homes to process in a day it does take a lot of my time. Here’s few other examples of what happens when there is lots of wind.
So in the end I do enjoy real estate photography and it doesn’t matter to me which kind of a home it is or when I am photographing the time of day. But weather has its tolls that I will not compete with.
Service Information
Shutter Avenue Photography offers Sacramento Real Estate Photography in the Sacramento metro area, including but not limited to Sacramento, and all surrounding areas. Call for more information about Sacramento Real Estate Photography in Sacramento and all of United State Of America.
Not looking for a Sacramento Real Estate Photographer? Please be sure to consider us for your interior / architectural photography and all your commercial real estate photography needs in the Sacramento area and all of United State Of America.